Learning Champions  

Our Learning Champions have worked extremely hard and produced some amazing work...take a look and see if your work has been chosen...

Sapphire Class: Mrs Jervis & MrSpencer


Incredible knowledge in RE - sharing a wealth of knowledge about Islam to both Sapphire and Emerald class and for producing such careful work showing a few of the 99 beautiful names of Allah.

An incredible designer!

These fantastic bunting designs met all of the design criteria, are drawn and decorated so neatly and are 100% Paddington!

A superb scientist and being the first in Sapphire class to problem-solve using the components to build a working electrical circuit to light a bulb independently!

Emerald Class: Mrs Holder & Mrs Ellis

Super hard working in Maths and moving on to times tables!

Wonderful effort writing everybody’s ideas in our Inside Out workshop.